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Do You Paint or Draw ? July 18, 2016

Posted by anagasto in drawing, painting.


Do you work with colours or lines, emotions or ideas ??

Color is at a disadvantage because line doesn’t need color but color needs line.

Color on its own doesn’t please even the colorists. So they are always looking for a linear support of some kind.

See how even colorist  painters prganize their colours on drawn lines:



and Chagall


and even Kandinski

are always groping for some linear organization to their pictures, some linear direction. It needn’t be a figure—sometimes it is only a clear division between the colors. The mind needs direction, just as music needs some shape, preferably a melody.


The Quality of Their Colours?

Most paintings show an unimaginative choice, the  same colours as are used in industry.  There is no surprise in their combinations.  They actually show that the painter  is not colour conscious and may have other priorities, like impact, visibility.  A famous painter


like Warhol

might  explain his garishness by saying he wants to mock the products of modern industry.

The same red as dominates a tomato sauce ad appears on your T-shirt, a book cover, the pocket calculator (for the results button), yonder lady’s fingernails, the new flag on that town library, clothes pins.



With permission based on


The picture of the Chagall tapestry is from a great site at http://www.all-art.org/art_20th_century/chagall2.html

The figure on the left is Moses with the stone plates where he took dictation of the Law.  On the right is David playing the harp. David was a king, but also a poet.




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